Site/Video du Jour 04/04: Help Save Cumberland Island!

Site/Video du Jour 04/04: Help Save Cumberland Island!

website of the day:  The backwoods, mouth-breathing, in-bred, toothless, shoeless, buckets of hog slop that call themselves “County Commissioners” in the tiny, rural patch of land called “Camden,” have gleefully ignored 99.99999% of the people’s wishes…including their own constituents…to sell themselves out to one man.

(Sam Candler…who, one must assume by the name, gets his blood money from – unfortunately for all of us who are fans of the product and love the GOOD people still associated with its production – Coca-Cola.  Inherited, of course.  Member of the “Lucky Sperm Club”) with a wad of money large enough to make spineless podunk “leaders” swallow their own convictions and go belly up to the interests of black-hearted, evil-to-the-core, development addicts who see themselves as smarter than God.

Beyond that…I’m sure they’re very nice people.  God bless their li’l ole hearts:


video of the day – Two different viewpoints from two different men during a simultaneous visit to the last of Georgia’s “Golden Isles” still in close proximity to its natural state.  But developers threaten it.  They SUCK!!!  Please help stop them.


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